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MG995 Servo Motor

Rwf 9,500.00

MG995 servo is a powerful servo motor that is capable of spinning and controlling things that a small hobby servo motor could never accomplish doing. It comes with a bunch of accessories so you could connect it easily with the outer world, and it’s being controlled like every other servo motor, via PWM.

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Dimension : 40mm x 19mm x 43mm
Color: Black
Operating Speed : 0.17sec / 60 degrees (4.8V no load)
Operating Speed : 0.13sec / 60 degrees (6.0V no load)
Stall Torque : 13 kg-cm (180.5 oz-in) at 4.8V
Stall Torque : 15 kg-cm (208.3 oz-in) at 6V
Operation Voltage : 4.8 - 7.2Volts
Gear Type: All Metal Gears

Connector Wire: Heavy Duty, 300mm