MFRC-522 RC522 RFID Card Module

Rwf 6,500.00

RFID is a small electronic components that acts as the “reader”in a Radio frequency identification(RFID) system,which use radio waves to trasnmit data from a tiny tag
attached to an object,allowing for automatic identification and tracking of that object.

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Current :13-26mA / DC 3.3V
Idle Current :10-13mA / DC 3.3V
Sleep current: <80uA
Peak current: <30mA
Operating Frequency: 13.56MHz
Supported card types: S50, S70, UltraLight, Pro, Desfire
Product Physical Characteristics: Dimensions: 40mm × 60mm
Environmental Operating temperature: -20-80 degrees Celsius
Environment Storage temperature: -40-85 degrees Celsius
Relative Humidity: 5% -95%
Data Transfer Rate: Max. 10Mbit / s