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D1 Mini Wemos ESP8266 Development Board

Rwf 8,000.00

WeMos D1 is an ESP8266-based development board that is compatible with the Arduino ecosystem.

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1. Microcontroller
Chip: ESP8266
CPU: 32-bit RISC, running at 80 MHz (can be overclocked to 160 MHz)
RAM: 80 KB user-available
Flash Memory: 4 MB (varies by model)
2. Connectivity
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n
Wi-Fi Modes: Station, Access Point, and Both
Encryption: WPA/WPA2
3. Power
Operating Voltage: 3.3V
Power Supply: 5V via USB or external source
Current Consumption: ~70mA (idle), peaks up to 400mA
4. I/O and Interfaces
Digital I/O Pins: 11 (D0-D10)
Analog Input: 1 (A0, 10-bit resolution, 0–3.3V)
PWM Pins: All digital pins (software-configurable)
I2C: Yes (D1 = SCL, D2 = SDA)
SPI: Yes
5. Physical Dimensions
Board Size: Similar to Arduino Uno
USB Interface: Micro USB (for programming & power)
6. Development Support
Compatible with Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, and Lua
Can run MicroPython
Supports AT Commands