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20A Current Sensor Module ACS712

Rwf 7,000.00 Rwf 6,000.00

ACS712 Module uses the famous ACS712 IC to measure current using the Hall Effect principle. The module gets its name from the IC (ACS712) used in the module, so for you final products use the IC directly instead of the module.

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These ACS712 module can measure current AC or DC current ranging from +5A to -5A, +20A to -20A and +30A to -30A. You have to select the right range for your project since you have to trade off accuracy for higher range modules. This modules outputs Analog voltage (0-5V) based on the current flowing through the wire; hence it is very easy to interface this module with any microcontroller. So if you are looking for a module to measure current using a microcontroller for you project, then this module might be the right choice for you. Specifications Measures both AC and DC current Available as 5A, 20A and 30A module Provides isolation from the load Easy to integrate with MCU, since it outputs analog voltage Scale Factor